Boosting Broiler Productivity

Boosting Broiler Productivity Through Technology: Achieving Optimal FCR

In the competitive world of broilers farming, maintaining high productivity while managing costs is a constant challenge. One of the most critical factors influencing profitability is the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR)—the amount of feed required to produce

Optimize Broiler Production

Optimize Broiler Production with Uluna’s Strain-Specific Monitoring and Standards Feature

Broiler production is a significant segment of the poultry industry, focusing on the rapid growth and efficient feed conversion of chickens. Various broiler strains have been developed to meet different production needs. Here, there are several prominent types of broiler

A Guide to Handling Fresh Chicken Meat

A Guide to Handling Fresh Chicken Meat: Best Practices and Safety Tips

Fresh chicken meat is a staple protein source enjoyed by millions around the world. However, chicken meat is a good medium for the growth of microorganisms. This is because chicken meat contains water, is rich in nitrogen and has a pH that is good for

Optimizing Broiler Farming Cost Management

Optimizing Broiler Farming Cost Management

Broiler farming is a prospective business. Almost every day demand and consumption of broiler is high and quite stable compared to other meat groups. So it can be said that this business is quite promising. However, effective cost management is needed to achieve maximum profits. Below we will discuss several strategies for optimizing the management of broiler farming costs…

Mengenal Fungsi dan Jenis Alas Kandang Ayam Broiler​

Alas kandang ayam broiler

Mengenal Fungsi dan Jenis Alas Kandang Ayam Broiler

Alas kandang atau dikenal dengan litter merupakan bahan yang digunakan untuk mengisi alas kandang yang bertujuan untuk menyerap air. Litter adalah kunci kesuksesan pemeliharaan ayam, terutama saat masa awal pemeliharaan atau brooding

Tips Menjaga Kelembaban dan Suhu Kandang bagi Pemula

Kontrol suhu dan kelembababan kandang ayam

Tips Menjaga Kelembaban dan Suhu Kandang bagi Pemula

Apakah Anda sedang atau ingin memulai bisnis ternak ayam broiler? Usaha ini memang salah satu sektor yang sangat menjanjikan karena dalam waktu yang cukup singkat, Anda bisa mencetak keuntungan apabila berhasil menghasilkan ayam-ayam dengan kualitas baik….

Strategi Menentukan Harga Jual Ayam Potong di Masa Panen

Harga jual ayam potong hari ini

Strategi Menentukan Harga Jual Ayam Potong di Masa Panen

Usaha peternakan terutama ayam potong kini kian diminati pengusaha muda karena permintaan akan daging ayam stabil, bahkan dapat melonjak naik secara signifikan saat menjelang hari raya. Usaha ini tergolong usaha yang padat modal di mana hampir 80% dari biaya modal hanya berasal dari pakan. Selain itu, terdapat berbagai faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi harga jual ayam potong di pasar sehingga harganya cukup fluktuatif….

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